Friday, February 18, 2011


I recently had to fill in a capcha in order to post a comment and the word that was presented was "falishnu".

Now this struck my fancy because this actually sounds like it could be a word. So that got me to thinking, "Well why not make it a word? Shakespeare did it. This is the English language we can pretty much do whatever we want."

Therefore, "falishnu" now means 'to enjoy the day with a smile'

I'm influenced by the weather can you tell? ;)

This also reminds me of when I went on a leadership conference (IRHOC) at Purdue. We were driving through Purdue's campus and I saw a building with the letters PEFCU on it. Now actually when I saw it I thought that it said PERFCU. Almost the same I know. But then Brandon, Stephanie, and I decided that PERFCU would mean 'to be in a heightened state of happiness' and we were saying that all weekend :)

Go forth and falishnu!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mission: Stay Awake

Alright so this is an ongoing mission to stay awake in my mythology class. In every single class I've been in I've nodded off at least 3 times. Bad I know right. But the timing is just awful. I have my 8 o'clock 3 hour studio in the morning then this 75 minute lecture then I have my second 3 hour studio.

It's a right good time wouldn't ya say chaps?

Oh yea and me and my friends have been speaking in British accents these past couple days :) It's just so much fun!

My friend Spencer and I were talking in British accents yesterday at lunch and this girl at another table leaned over and asked us if we were from England and where we were from. We proceeded to tell the nice young lady that we were in fact from Indiana. Turns out that she was actually from England and she thought that we were legit. YEA BOI! We high fived each other :P

Ohp he's writing on the board. Gotta get these terms down. (jot jot jot jot)

And now he's rambling......ohp apparently I missed something cuz Emma just chastised me.

And I just found out that we're going to have a test in this class come next Thursday. Well F me with an XL D.

Let's try paying a bit more attention....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sir Valentine Sir

I woke up this morning with all intentions of having a bad day because I don't have that someone special in my life. But my best friend Nathan decided to send me a text as I was walking to class saying, "I love you Amy!" How can I not smile at that?! And then my friend Tabitha said that she would be my valentine :) All in all today was just another day with a few more proclamations of love between friends.

That got me to thinking. Yes, I can see that incredulous look on your face. "What?! She thinks?!"

Anyway, I was thinking how yea it really sucks not having that special someone in my life right now, but this is the time where I just really need to have faith that he'll come into my life. I've been getting myself so worked up trying to find the guy, going out of my way to make things happen, when in actuality I need to let things go. I shouldn't have to go and try to get a guy to like me. I want him to come to me. I want him to see how great I am, how funny I am, how beautiful I am.

So this Valentine's Day was me enjoying time with my friends whom I love dearly and reminding myself to just let go of things so they can work themselves out.

Day well spent :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

For the Ladies

Last weekend I went on an IRHOC leadership conference to Purdue. And one of the programs that they put on was Body Awareness and what they said really stuck with me.

In today's society women are supposed to be skinny, tan, and beautiful. Basically a valley girl or someone from California.But the thing is not everyone is like that. What about those girls who don't have that kind of figure? What about those girls that can't fit into a size 6 dress? Do they need to starve themselves, to go through all these measures to make themselves look like the models or celebrities in magazines?

No, they don't.

Some of you might have seen this video before, but I'd like to share it to help prove my point.

In this video they woman is taken and completely fixed up using products to make here hair more lush, her face blemish-free, her eyes pop and other such things. Then they take her picture into photoshop and completely overhaul her. She's not even real now! Her face is up on a billboard hanging down over thousands of people, showing them what a beautiful woman is supposed to look like.

That. Is. Unattainable.

That is not a real woman.

Women, why we do try to be like models and celebrities?? They're not real!

Now I'm not skinny, in fact I'm about 30 lbs overweight, but I'm real. Am I beautiful?

Yes, I am.

In the program at IRHOC they had us write down things that we loved about ourselves to remind us of how wonderful and beautiful we are.

I love...
my laugh
my eyes
and my hair

Oh here comes the famous facebook pose....

And here's a more real pic of me....

What do you love about yourself? This can be a rhetorical question or if you want to comment below go for it.

And just think about this: You are beautiful. Don't listen to what others tell you, believe in yourself because you are wonderful.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Insomnia hits Wa Bam!

You have to click TV before you can turn down the volume!!!
That makes so much more sense. I'm staying with my older brother in his apartment and you have to use the xbox controller to make stuff work.

Alright I got that down, but it doesn't control the volume.

Predator?? Wtf mate?

There's a promo for a movie....wait for it....
Yes, I'm typing this as I'm wathcin is....there it is Aliens vs. Predator Requiem


So I'm suffering from a bit of insomnia right now....I was watching Braveheart and crying at the same time.

Actually the two occurrences were unrelated...

But I did become very sad when the horses were stabbed with spears. Yea I'm more worried about the horses than the men.

So I think that because I was not using my braincells whilst watching the movie, my brain is now trying to function in a somewhat heightened state of hustle.

So since my mind is in a heightened state of hustle I decided to move the couches around so that I could spin my poi. Course I wasn't very good. I managed to hit myself square in the face and knock my glasses off.

Yet they did not break as I would have liked. Yes, I want my glasses to break. They're only really held together with a bit of rubber cement on a screw and the lens by luck. Sheer luck.

Hmm. I can't really concentrate. Even right now I'm having to backspace all the time cuz I keep messing up.

This si wath its lok s liek when i'n typing reaslly fast and now t gebine able to bocnentrate.

Bad huh.

So I popped in Hitman

Well would you look at that. The chick from Hitman was also in Braveheart.

Sophie Marceau

Let's start the movie shall we?
Answer: We shall

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mind Blown!



My friend Ryan posted a video of Hugh Jackman dancing in this lipton tea commercial and I literally had a seizure cuz it was so awesome!

I mean he's dead freakin sexy and then you show me that he can dance?! It's so not fair to all the other men out there lol Mmmm I loved him in Van Helsing.

HUGE crush on Hugh Jackman. Not gonna lie.

Then of course watching that made me think of this video of Christopher Walken dancing through a hotel that I had seen last semester.

(Alright I can't exactly post the link so you'll have to copy and paste. It takes so much time I know. Get over it.)

Pretty epic too :) I mean he's not Hugh Jackman, but still the idea that Christopher Walken was dancing all over this hotel is just awesome.

I want to do that.....

Correction: I will do that the next time I'm staying in a hotel.

Decision made :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dreamweaving Soup

I'm sitting here in Noyer (an eating establishment on campus for all those who don't know Ball State's ins and outs) eating my loaded potato soup and nom nomming on Jack Link's Teriyaki beef jerky (PRODUCT PLACEMENT) when Dreamweaver comes on over the sound system in here.

Now I don't know about you guys, but now that I've seen Toy Story 3 I always think of when Barbie and Ken met for the first time.

Oh oh oh!!! AND I loved the fact that Michael Keaton was the voice of Ken. Just sayin...

It's just so freaking epic. It's like everyone knows that Barbie and Ken were made for each other but they're just now meeting. I freaking love it.

Actually, I loved just about everything in Toy Story 3. The biggest thing was that they waited for the kids who watched the first two Toy Story movies to grow up before making the third movie. So it's literally like we grew up with Andy :) I thought that was incredibly fantastic of the producers.

Oh and side note: I'm not gonna lie I totally have a crush on Woody :)

I was just a tad bit jealous of Bo Peep in the other movies. Yes, I have a crush on a toy. Yes, I was jealous of another toy for being with the toy that I liked. It seems petty, and it is, but that's just the way I am :P

I mean he's incredibly devoted to those he loves, he's very active, he's got a sense of humor, AND he's a fricken cowboy.


Right there.

Be Here Now

I have a special treat for you today. No, not an actual tangible treat. I can't give you candy through the internet.


I wrote a poem last night when I went to the Be Here Now pub/bar down in the village.
I just kinda let loose and had fun with it. Definitely haven't tried writing in this style before, but there you have it.

So enjoy.
Or don't.
But you should.

Poets in Shadow

The light casts a green hue, I feel like I’m caught in a swamp expecting frogs to hop out of the puddle over in the middle of the floor. Is that a lily pad? I wouldn’t be surprised.

There’s that smell. That not-quite-rotted-but-getting-there kind of smell. It’s teasing my nostrils, suddenly coming and then immediately leaving like your mother-in-law checking up on some nothing.

What’s up with the random disco ball hanging from the ceiling? And was there a globe holding it up on the outside? There’s chairs and couches and other random stools thrown about half-hazard, grouped in corners, standing in puddles, all under the weird grunge hue shedding from the swamp light.

I see the reflection of the poet in the puddle by my foot. How can he read with just that strip of Christmas lights behind him? How can I write this actually? The green light making my pen cast an elongated shadow as it scurries across the paper. Such a flitty little thing, scratching words one after the other after the other trying to form a complete sentence before that girl steps in from of my radiating swamp monster.

All the would-be-wannabe poets stand, sit, or lay around the cold cement floor, tucked in corners, covered in shadows. Shadows cutting their faces into irregular shapes, grotesque shapes. Edgar Allan Poe could write a thing or two about them.

The crowd chuckles as crude humor is tossed around on the smoke exhaled from the cracked lips parted. I must have missed it. I’m really more worried about trying to stay warm because of this huge fan blowing behind my couch. Why the hell is there a fan in a basement when it’s the middle of February? Words after words pour out of their mouths. All the same just thrown together in different ways.

That’s all literature is, a new way to use the words we already created to try and bring meaning into our lives, our trivial-ain’t-got-nothing-going-for-me lives.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl? I'll pass

As I was flitting about the internet the other day I came across this hilarious picture.

I mean I freaking love that he's reading Harry Potter :) I'm such a muggle I know....

Then.....I thought about this totally sweet superbowl commercial that I saw last night.

Which makes me think about the superbowl last night. Now don't bite off my head for this, but I really didn't care about it. I mean I don't really like either of the teams, but I hated the Steelers more. I'm not gonna lie since my Colts got out I haven't really cared that much for the rest of the outcome. I was chilling with my besties and was literally falling asleep with the game on. I was only waking myself up so that I could see the commercials lol Yea that bad. And the commercials themselves this year weren't incredibly spectacular. I think that Doritos definitely had some really good ones.

Like this pug breaking down the door.

There were also some good ones for some car companies but I can't find videos for them yet. Sorry guys :/

But anywho, I hope you all had a better time watching the super bowl than I did :P

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pogo Madness!

So earlier this week my older brother, Eric, showed me this site that he had magically come across. There's like 15 videos of just weirdly awesome stuff. This guy who goes by the title Pogo (his name is Fagottron on youtube) took the audio from the Disney movies and made them into fairly legit songs. They're weird, but they could pass as songs. The one that I'm obsessed with is the Alice in Wonderland Remix.

It's just so trippy and weird and I like it.

I think it's because of her's like far away and just kinda mellow....

Here's the song I'm obsessed with.

And here's my second favorite. It's Toy Story :)

So here's the site for it. If it does this Black Ops things just go back a page and then go forward and click to Skip This Ad.

Go forth and have these songs running repeatedly through your head for the rest of the day.

You're welcome ;)


You wanna know something funny? Pffft......

Well whenever I'm playing CityVille and it's loading it always pauses at 69%


Alright so I'm not that much of a child, oh wait, yes I am. hahaha

I just think that it's funny that it pauses at 69%

It has to take its time ;) You can't rush these things. I mean if you're just going full speed through everything you'll miss the roses.

So remember, take your time.

My friend Nathan and I are always joking about how we have "good times on 69" when we're going to or from campus.

Ah good times on

IRHOC, you rock? We rock!!

As I sit here and enjoy by blueberry Otis Spunkmeyer muffin ((insert shout-out to Michael)) I feel very chilled......Not as chilled as the weather outside because come on it's frigid out there! But just pretty laid back. I'm going to be heading out with some totally awesome people for a leadership conference in like an hour or so and normally I would be freaking out.

But no. I'm good :)

I think I'm so chilled because 1.) I got everything packed last night 2.) I skipped my 10 o'clock class this morning to further lessen my stress and 3.) I'm no longer putting on a program.

My friend Brandon and I had prepared to give a presentation on leadership qualities and it was gonna be totally baller. We cut out lil men and made specific cards to go with each trait and it was schweeet.


Due to a mishap on someone's part, I seriously don't know who's, none of us are putting on a program. There was just some mix up of communication and now Ball State isn't putting on a program.

However, and this is the big thing right here, I have spent like south of 10 hours on our spirit banner thing-a-ma-bob.
It. Looks. Awesome.

Here's the full thing.

And here's all the lil do dads zoomed in

It was really fun working on this :) And it was interesting too because at one of our meetings they were asking Corey to come up with a design but he was just so out of it so I just quick came up with a sketch. It was just out of the blue and took like lil to no effort. But they liked it and jumped on it and were like, "Yep that looks awesome. Let's do that."

So Corey had me draw it all out and then we had people help with the big stuff like the letters and the gray for the moons, but the I did practically everything else. I'm kinda bragging, but yea I kinda am. I mean I put a lot of work into and I'd just like to get credit for that. I mean I'm still humble about it, but yea

lots of effort=a lil recognition

And apparently I've been getting compliments from all sorts of people who have seen it in the working stage. So that's pretty nifty :)

Anywho, I'm a gunna finish my muffin.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mac thy name is Delicious

So yea not gonna lie I was starving when I got back to my room like 10 minutes ago. I was like, "What do I have to eat?!"Ok maybe I wasn't that crazy. But I was hungry....and lo my eyes befell my pb&j and mac and chesse.


Isn't she just adorable?!?!

Oh wait wrong kind of PB&J. (Do you remember watching this show?? I loved it So much.)

Here we go.

I proceeded to scarf the sandwich, with grape jelly mind you, and then heated up the deliciousness that is mac and cheese. Now little known fact here, are you paying attention?, I've actually messed up making mac and cheese.


I know. It's pathetic. And no this wasn't like when I was like 13. No, this was like maybe last year or something. I'm not gonna lie when I'm home I always make my lil sister Cara make the mac and cheese :P I tell her that no one makes it like her, and that's actually pretty legit. She makes really good mac and cheese. Yes, there's a difference. It's like how my grandma makes magical toast.


Have I blogged about my grandma's magical toast?!?! Oh my gosh!! So yea my grandma makes like the best toast ever. It's like with wheat break, cinnamon, a dash of this, a dash of that, and a whole heeping of love and magic. Ya see she's like got this special secret cupboard where she keeps it. She goes to this back room where us grandkids aren't allowed to follow and she pulls out this container thingy and is just like bam


It's totally legit. Tabitha, Thomas, Trenna, Colton, Haley, and I all had magical toast brunch with my grandma and it was just the most splendiferous time ever. We seriously went through like 2 loaves of bread. It was awesome!!

So much deliciousness......

Mmmm I could go for some toast.....with my mac and cheese??
