Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nobody to Somebody

You're a nobody until you become a somebody.

Think about it. Read it over a couple times.

When you're walking around you see people, but you have no connection to them.
They're just faces in a crowd.
You don't have a personal connection to them.

I just thought about this earlier this morning.
I was walking down the sidewalk and noticed a cute guy.
He glanced at me and then readjusted his gaze.

I realized that I do this all the time!
We all do this all the time.

You notice so many things as you're walking around, but that's all you're really doing.
Noticing them.

It's not until you actually have a conversation and get to know the person that they actually stick in your mind.

A face becomes more than a face when you develop a connection.

The face is really the way to see into a person's soul.

:How do they feel about their boyfriend breaking up with them?
:Are they upset with their math grade?

Let's try this.
If you're walking past a building and 2 girls come out of the building one has tears pouring down her face and the other is nonchalant.
Which one do you notice more?
The girl crying right?
For me at least I would immediately feel empathy towards this girl crying and just forgo the nonchalant one.
I would have developed a sort of connection with her.
I would have wanted to help her.

As soon as I felt empathy towards her, as soon as I made that connection with her, she became more than a face in the crowd.

It's just interesting when you start evaluating your own thoughts and actions and try to figure our why you do the things that you do.

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