Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have my baby again!!!


I have Athos back in my arms
in my grasp
between my fingers
with me

and I'm so happy!

You know it's just weird using someone else's laptop.

There's all sorts of little quirks that you set up on your laptop that just aren't on any other one.

Like I have Expose and these Spaces assigned to stuff.
I have this whole finger-swipeyness
and yea Emma's didn't so it was weird.

But hey whatever I have him back now :P

Oh rollin back a bit: My powerpoint wasn't working on Athos and Emma's mommy dearest has the new Microsoft Suite. So I was like,
"Mommy dearest, could you be a darling and install the new suite on Athos?? My powerpoint isn't working :("
and she was like,
"Well sure dear. I would love to. :)"

So Emma took Athos home with her for the weekend
and now I have all sorts of new programs to have fun with :P

I missed him very much so I did.

<3 Athos!!!

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