Saturday, January 29, 2011

Despicable Me?!

Dude alright so I meant to write this like forever ago but yea I didn't....
So anywho, the movie Despicable Me was totally adorable!
I loved it lots.
Anywho again, there were a couple things that I had thought while watching the movie.

Whoa I can think??
I can.
Shut up.

So yea my thoughts:
1.) For all you Harry Potter fans out there, pay attention to Mrs. Hattie. Doesn't she resemble Dolores Umbridge?!
Yea it's sick I know. They're both fat and wear those pastel-like colors even though their hearts are black as tar. They both have a really freaking annoying voice that makes you want to cut out their vocal cords with a rusty spoon.

2.) Are there any girl minions? There was the one cross dressing minion for when they had to go to the store, but I'm pretty sure that was still a guy. Cuz how do they procreate? Or do they just pop outta the gnomes.....

Has anyone seen previews for the movie Gnomeo and Juliet?
It looks pretty sweet. Pretty sure that Michael Caine is the voice for one of the characters.
And you know how I feel about Michael Caine ;) (see previous blog entry)
Oh oh oh! The voice of Gnomeo is the guy who was the faun in Chronicles of Narnia!That's majorly awesome. AND he's cute.... ;) Just sayin.....

3.) Did anyone notice how the boogey robots that Nefario constructed had really pointy boobs??
Here watch.

4.) Did anyone notice how the douche running the carnival stand had a frowny face on his shirt? Fitting right? Gah I hate him....
Alright now look real close at his shirt...

and lastly

5.) Why does Vector have that neck protector thing-a-ma-bob if he's wearing a track suit? Like seriously is it supposed to be like he popped his collar or something? But I will give him this, he does a man pelvic thrust ;)

So yea there were a few things that I had picked up while watching the movie.
Totally adorable.
Loved it.


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