Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today is Today

This blog post is inspired by Campbell's Soup At Hand soup, the Across the Universe soundtrack and my damp pant legs.

Point 1:
I have no idea how I feel about this Soup At Hand soup. I mean the name they plastered on it is redundant. You have Soup in the title, why do you need to repeat that it's soup?
Answer: You don't.
And apparently my microwave is a complete beast because my Soup At Hand soup burnt the roof of my mouth when I tried to drink? it. Or maybe I just put it in for too long.....But of course I'm going to blame the microwave.

Point 2:
I recently acquired the Across the Universe soundtrack from my buddy Evan and I'm so excited to be listening to it. I remember when I hadn't seen the movie and I tried to listen to the I Am the Walrus song.......I'm 99.999% sure that I had a very perplexed look on my face.
Which actually is quite normal. Maybe not perplexed, but definitely odd. I make many odd facial expressions. They're fun to make for 2 reasons: They just feel funny when I make them and they make other people laugh.

Point 3:
So yea the weather outside is pretty dreary right now. I woke up this morning to a beautifully foggy day? Yea not so beautiful. It wasn't too bad when I walked out there to my one class today at noon thirty. Gotta love Tuesdays/Thursdays. Course when I walked out it was raining and cold. Thankfully there was no real wind because man oh man that would have sucked. So yea that lead to the edges of my pants getting wet from the puddles of water on the sidewalks.

Well I have finished my Soup At Hand soup and am eyeing a turtle cookie from Otis Spunkmeyer. Please excuse me while I go forth and dine on the deliciousness.

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