Friday, December 10, 2010

Good Golly Gracious and Mother Teresa

So I'm staring at my Rolos on the edge of my desk. I just ate like 7 of them and there's only 3? left. I don't know. I don't have x-ray vision.

My 220 prof. is off ranting again. My mind is wandering.

I had my EdMul class just before this and it was my last class and I'm going to miss that class. Wow....I just said class like 3 times.

3 is a good number.

I am feeling the need to differentiate all of my sentences from one another. Another. One another?


3 is a good number.

I don't know why I came back to that. Anywho, so yea.

I was up late last night helping my friend Corey work on his website thing. He had to make photoshop pieces and he needed "artistic assistance." So I was helping him for an hour. Then I went to work on my papers. Did some of my papers. He came back for more help. I helped him. I finished working on my papers. My other friend Evan wanted to see me so I dipped. But then Corey came up later.....So that was a fun evening.

I went to bed at like 4:30
Woke up at 7:30 to print something off for my EdMul class this morning.
Then I went back to "sleep" and woke up at 9.

I say "sleep" because it was a very fitful sleep. I wasn't in the REM state. I was just like on the surface. Just touching the mirrored image of sleep. Not quite immersing myself.

So now I'm here....
Not paying attention to Mai Kuha whom I greatly dislike....

I am SO ready for this class to be over and done with!
Like sucks!

Oh my. She's changing it up. There's a video playing on the projection. Is it interesting? Gimme a sec...............nope.

Back to my rant.

Oh! So fun little tid bit, morsel if you will. The title of this very special blog post is in honor of my endeavor to try to stop swearing as much. I swear more than I would like. I don't have a sailor mouth persay... but I do tend to let it slip in certain circumstances. Anywho, I am replacing swear words with sayings like "good golly gracious", "mother teresa", "garfunkle" and other random words that come to mind.

I'm gonna eat another Rolo.

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