Sunday, July 3, 2011

Data B*tch!

Dude is this not a badass pic?!

Rock on Data!

Compassion Pit

Oh hey!

So since I posted about how I like
I thought I might as well throw out a shout out to

Right so this is a great lil site for people who want to talk to someone without feeling like they're being judged.
Cuz yea I hate being judged.
I instantly get defensive.
No bueno.

So....this site is helpful :D

I even had this really good talk with a guy named Ryan who's gf just dumped him :(
I managed to help him out I think and we got talking about some of what's going on with me
and I felt better
so it was a win win all around

So hey if you ever wanna talk to someone just for the sake of talking to someone
jump on over to this 'ere site :)

One Word

Hey so there's this one site (which for some odd reason I can't get the link to work....sry)
that I'm in love with because it's like

"Oh hey there, so you're bored? Well we've got this nifty lil
worry free kinda chilaxin way for you to defrag your brain
and have a bit of fun along the way."

So yea you get 60 seconds or so to write as much as you
can slash want (yes I wrote slash rather than putting the symbol)
and then that's it.

You can check out what others have put
and yea it's just super cool and I love it

course I love writing.....
so I might love it more than you......

<3one word

Lots of Names!

Oh my good golly gracious
Mother Teresa
Bill Nye the science guy
Benjamin Franklin

What do all of these people have in common????

I have absolutely no idea.....

As soon as you find out let me know.