Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mmm Candy

At this very moment I should be working on a 5 page paper for my English 230 class but I feel obliged to take the time and talk to my fellow bloggers. What? You don't believe me? Yea well you're right. I just don't want to work on the paper. I'm a college student alright I have better things to update my blog.....

Anywho, today was not the best of days for Miss Amy Jo Brookins. For multiple reasons being stress in school, a heavily weighted backpack and I'm assuming a sleeping position gone awry my back has been screaming at me literally all day.

"Hey you! I'm going to make your day suck just because I can!"

Not the nicest thing to say to me. It can be very rude sometimes, but hey you can't live with it you can't live without it. Well it's more that you can't live without it....period. So yea I just took 5 ibuprofen to shut it up. Jeez I hope I don't die....

But yea on another more uplifting note Fruesday is coming up. Woot woot! I shall only have 2 classes on Fruesday instead of the 5 I would have. Grr I know. Yea why did I go and schedule the bulk of my classes Mon/Wed/Fri. Silly silly me. I think I scheduled my classes better next semester. I'll have my 2 art classes Tue/Thur so that should be fun. 6+ hours of art plus whatever else I need to spend in the studio. But hey I'm actually excited about that :)

Oh jeez you know what I just remembered? Course you don't. So yea I just remembered that I have to take the Praxis on Saturday. It's basically supposed to be an amped up SAT for teaching majors. I gotta pass that so that I can actually apply to the teacher's college and start taking my teaching classes. That's going to be a 4 hour testing period. I am NOT looking forward to that. Gah but It's necessary.....

So has your head every felt like it was electrified? Mine did last night.....Maybe that's a bad thing. I dunno.

Well hey ya'll I'm off to write my paper! bleh....

And remember I don't own an umbrella.

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